Office of Title IX and Compliance
Oakland Center, Suite 150
312 Meadow Brook Rd
(location map)
(248) 370-2450
[email protected]
Monday - Friday: 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Title IX and Compliance
Everyone deserves an opportunity to obtain their education and make connections in environments conducive to positive, inclusive experiences. The Deputy and Title IX Coordinator at OU are here to ensure that you are treated with fairness and respect. They are primarily responsible for handling sex discrimination in all university student services and academic programs including, but not limited to, 招生, financial aid, academic advising, residential life, 体育运动, 纪律, recreational services, 健康, wellness and support services, academic assignments and grading.
Sex discrimination includes a variety of behaviors which can limit or negatively impact educational opportunity. These behaviors include: sexual 骚扰, sexual assault, sexual misconduct, 跟踪, relationship violence (ex. dating and domestic violence), pregnancy and parenting, gender identity and sexual orientation discrimination.
If you have experienced, 见证了, or been impacted by sexual misconduct (including sexual assault, intimate partner violence, 跟踪, and sexual exploitation), discrimination, 骚扰, and/or retaliation, the Deputy and Title IX Coordinator are here to help provide support and guidance in finding out which next step feels right for you. When reporting, some individuals prefer a supportive response only, others choose to request a university investigation, and some choose both. You are encouraged to report any incident through the online reporting form below.